Sunday, 20th January, 2013
Rev Ernest Aryee (Lighthouse Chapel Int. – Lilly of the Valley Cathedral)
Hi Brethren,
its rather unfortunate that I went to church late today yet still I’m glad to
share with you what I heard and learnt from today’s word. The whole message was
about giving our lives to Jesus Christ and making Him our Lord and Saviour.
truth about making Jesus our Lord and personal Saviour is that, Christ in His
own power could have forced us to do so but no, He has given as our free will
so that He can judge us if we don’t. God has given each individual a free will
to decide to either join Christ or not. This, I think is quite dangerous to men
but we don’t seem to realise it. It is for this reason that we have so many
people doubting the existence of God. Many humans do not believe in His
existence not to talk of the resurrection power of His son Jesus.
tell you brethren that, it is better to have Christ in you live and suffer here
on earth than not to and burn in hell after judgement. When Christ was living
earth He told us that He was going to prepare a place for us all and that He
would come the second time but to judge us all according to our works. This is
serious, He came the first as a sacrificial lamb but promises to come back the
second time as a judge. Heaven and hell are very real.
To the unbelievers:
if you believe in Christ Jesus and after your death there is no judgement hey,
you’re free. But if you don’t and after your death you are found wanting then
you will be in real trouble. But I attest to the fact that Jesus Christ is the
only Son of the living god (John 3:16).
If you have not given your life to
Jesus i want you to say this as your prayer;
Jesus, I thank you for my life. I confess I’m a sinner and only you can save
me, I believe you died on the cross to save me from my sins. Dear Jesus, come
into my life and cleanse me from all my inequities. Write my name in the book
of life so that when you appear again I will not be left out. Thank you for
saving me, amen.
you said this prayer, I believe you are born again. Find a Bible believing
church in your area and fellowship with them. God richly bless you.
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