Friday, June 28, 2013

Pastor Eastwood Anaba

Pastor Eastwood Anaba is the Founder and President  of Eastwood Anaba Ministries (EAM), headquartered in Bolgatanga, Ghana. 

Eastwood Anaba Ministries is dedicated to repositioning God’s people through revival for the return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Pastor Eastwood is a revivalist with an uncompromising message on the Holy Ghost, Righteousness, Discipline and Order in the Body of Christ, with a powerful emphasis on the Love of God.

He has authored 46 including God’s End-Time Militia and The Love Revolution. He and his family live in Bolgatanga, where he serves as Senior Pastor of Fountain Gate Chapel, a people-oriented and missions hearted ministry.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


By the Grace of the Almighty God The Celebration Convention started on the 19th June 2013 as scheduled. We were blessed with a fine weather and an atmosphere filled with the Holy Spirit. The host pastor Rev Ernest Aryee after a brief profile of the guest preacher and how they know each other invited the anointed man of God to the pulpit.

Knowing the Holy Spirit was the title of the message preached by the man of God (Rev Eastwood Anaba), he explained the different types of lives that we live;social,economic,academic,marital,word and other aspects but the most important life to live is the spiritual life which is led by the HOLY SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit was promised to us by our Lord and master Jesus Christ.

Every man has his body,soul and the spirit. Right from birth you realise that we tend to develop the physical part of us more than we do for the spiritual. Just as developing our minds with certain aspects of education(be it law,science,accounting etc) increases our knowledge power in that area so it is with our spirit. We develop our spirit more in what we feed to it(prayer,fasting and reading the Bible). What are you feeding your spirit with, the spirit of the world or the spirit of God.
The word of God is that which awakens the spirit in us and as Christians we need the Holy Spirit; to teach, lead, comfort, guide, and help us.

Man cannot help us because;
1. Man is limited; limited in the power needed to help you
2. Man is mortal; make a promise to you today but can die tomorrow
3. Man is selfish; man will not make you greater than he has achieved

I pray that you desire the Holy Spirit in your life today. Try to develop your spirit with the word of God and listen to the Holy Spirit. God bless you

Monday, June 3, 2013


Hello once again,

As the month of May and mid-June is “Vision 527″ in my church, we have been using the book Leaders and Loyalty by Bishop Dag Heward-Mills our father. This books is a great enlightenment of leaders of all kinds to deal with loyalty in your organisation.
This Sunday 2nd June we tackled the 3 tests of loyalty, how to really tell if someone is loyal to you or not. The number test of loyalty as listed in the book is:

The Test of Distance: But it is good to be zealously affected always in a good thing, AND NOT ONLY WHEN I AM PRESENT WITH YOU. Galatians 4:18

In the scripture above Paul had to exhort a branch of his church in Galatia to remain faithful even though he was not physically present with them. Most people(friends,relatives,employees) act as though they are loyal to you but in your absence say and do all sorts of things contrary to what they say or do in your presence. Any organisation that wants to expand can only do so if they have loyal employees who won’t only work when the boss is around but even when he is not around, because the boss cannot be everywhere at the same time.

This point is for you the ready to ask yourself if you are loyal to your friends,employer or anyone. Do you only work or pretend to be working when your boss is around or you work whole heartedly even when he is not around. Do we only pretend to be good wives and husbands when our spouses are present? What do we do with others when our partners are not around.
Can you pass the test of distance? God bless you and do visit this blog again.

Vision 527:
I Thessalonians 5:27 : I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read unto all the holy brethren. KJV
I command you in the name of the Lord to read this letter to all the brothers and sisters. NLT

The Lighthouse Chapel International has chosen May and June to read the books of our father Bishop Dag to the congregation of the Lord.


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Encounter With Jesus 3

Wow, what a night!

I just came back from a wonderful encounter night. Powerful Word, prayer and ministration under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Old and new curses and bonds were broken, and believe me the lives of all of us who went for this service will never be the same.
Prophet Philip, a visiting man of God was invited by our father Rev Ernest Aryee and we had a blast. 

Right after the word of God(Acts 1:1, Proverbs 10:12, Psalm 72:20) we had a powerful prayer session where demons and powers of idols were cursed and consumed by the Holy Ghost Fire. After which the man of God ministered powerfully under the anointing of the Holy Ghost. Prophecies were declared in the lives of God's children and I believe those lives are headed for great and wonderful destinations.

I personally am blessed and will never be same again. Thank You Jesus for your love, grace and blessings upon my life. If you are not born again I entreat you to be so that Jesus can become the Lord and Saviour of your life to free you from all bondage and most importantly so you can make it to HEAVEN.

God bless you and do visit this blog again.


Monday, January 28, 2013


Date: 27th January 2013

Preacher: Rev Ernest Aryee

Bible Verse:
Proverbs 10:4, Proverbs 12:24, Proverbs 21:5, Proverbs 22:29

Diligence is the persistent and relentless effort by an individual to solve a problem, to overcome difficulties and to accomplish great things.

This title is one of about nine positive traits that makes a person “he that hath” or rich or successful or wealthy. There are certain traits or attributes that successful persons have that makes them successful and diligence is one of such traits.

DILIGENCE is a character of never give up, never say die until the bones are rotten. If you have this spirit in you nothing can stop you from making it in life. A lot of the time people get discouraged by a few “no’s”. Just because ten people or even more think you will not make it in life by the path you have chosen does not mean you will not make it. Successful people never give up on their dream; they knock on the door until it’s opened to them. 

Do you know any successful man or woman? Well I’m pretty sure if you ask them their story, there would be a few “no’s” in there as well but that certainly did not stop them from pursuing what they believed in. Here is one story to help you by.

The Diligence of Abraham Lincoln
He failed in business in 1831
He was defeated for legislature in 1832
He experienced a second failure in business in 1833
He suffered nervous breakdown in 1836
He was defeated for Speaker in 1838
He was defeated for Elector in 1840
He was defeated for Congress in 1843
He was defeated for Congress in 1848
He was defeated for Senate in 1855
He was defeated for Vice-President in 1856
He was defeated for Senate in 1858